
Saw "Bowling for Columbine" last Saturday during its opening weekend. Great experience.

Everyone there were obviously making a statement of supporting Michael Moore's work, as the audience and I were very vocal during the movie! Many people (including myself) clapped and yelled, "Thank you!" in agreement to statements in the film. Very smart film, very fucking disturbing, but truthful. Michael really put his ass out on the line in this film: from the actual footage of the Columbine massacre, to the visual timeline of how many times, and what years, in which the U.S. has supplied firearms and weapons training (along with firearms and weapons) to various countries, only to be surprised when on a consistent basis, many of the extremist factions of these countries use these weapons against us, including shots of 9/11 terrorist planes hitting the twin towers), even interviewing Charlton Heston, the gun toting actor turned gun-show-NRA-fanatic, which resulted in a walk off by Mr. Heston. Hilarious cartoons (by the guys of South Park?) of how white folks have been obsessed with guns, since when the Native American bloodshed to present day profiling of Black men, all sprouting from fear, and how fear has fed the U.S. obsession with guns. Also comparisons of other countries and the death toll due to guns, vs. U.S. statistics. He has a hilarious way of presenting disturbing facts. I have new respect for Marilyn Manson, after Michael had interviewed him (Marilyn Manson has been accused by the Columbine community as being the cause for the shootings, as evidently the boys who shot their classmates and killed themselves were listening to his music at the time.) He said some really smart things about our (U.S.) human consumption capitalizes on fear (this was one of the times I and other people clapped loudly with "mmhmm"s). And when asked about what he would say to the kids at Columbine, Marilyn Manson replied, "I wouldn't say anything to them. I'd listen to them, because that's what they needed." Many more things were covered. Everyone was clapping, some standing, at the end of the movie.

"The Debut" makes its opening in NYC this weekend (actually started yesterday, Friday). See details in the previous blogger.. Will be checking it out. Hopefully it'll have more substance than "American Adobo."

There's been some mad anti-Asian crap making news recently. What a surprise. Only a sprinkling of them are included below.

Note that, as usual, progress in these cases, as with this particular case with Disguise, are only made when their asses are threatened with legal action.

I remember hearing about this "Kung Fool" costume and thinking, "how bad can it be?" When I saw it, I was totally beside myself, and in realizing that this is the first year the company manufactured and sold the costume to its retailers, I was wondering if we had indeed moved past the early 1900's.




You may know that on Wednesday, Oct 16, Jian Lin-Chun, a Chinese food delivery man, from the Brownsville area of Brooklyn was killed in what appears now to be a cold-blooded ambush by two teenagers.

Unlike in years past, when killings of Asian Americans did not make news at all, this one made the news. Moreover, local (African American) residents of the area have been prominently featured in news speaking fondly of Jian Lin-Chun, telling reporters he was well-known and well-liked member of the community; they were very upset at his murder; and felt unsafe themselves.

You may want to know that on various radio stations around the city, the morning talk shows have been making light of Mr. Jian’s murder, in really racially stereotypical ways. I heard about several others anecdotally, but personally only heard one – the Hot 97 (WQHT FM, in NYC) morning
show with Star and Buc Wild. I’m not surprised.

When the news was announced of Mr. Jian’s murder, one of the hosts (either Star or Buc Wild- not sure which) then laughed raucously, calling Mr. Jian “a damn faggot.” (he actually might have actually said "f**ing faggot"). He continued to call Mr. Jian “a damn faggot” several more times, while making jokes about chinese food, deliverymen, and effeminate behavior. When the announcer mentioned that the killers had not yet been found, the host then said “And they never will!” and continued to laugh raucously. Interestingly, Hot 97 gets its news postings from NY Newsday, which has featured several stories on the murder.

Of course morning shows make fun of everyone, and Star and Buc Wild are well-known for offending everyone and being proud of it. But to actually racially humiliate a DEAD MAN is really troubling. I’m sure it’s happening all over. But do what you will with this.

A few recent articles on the murder:

*Info on Star and Buc Wild’s morning show:

*Contact info for Hot 97:
HOT 97
395 Hudson St. 7th Fl.
New York, NY 10014
Gen info: (212) 229.9797
Gen fax: (212) 929.8559
News Line: (212) 242.0706



Just when you thought you’d seen the last of the “ching-chong-chinamen” caricatures on clothing lines, costume manufacturer Disguise.com recently unveiled their new outfit for Halloween.

They call it, “Kung-Fool.”

The costume (left) (check the website for the pictures) consists of a black and white (Japanese) kimono, belt, vinyl half-cap, and rubber mask -- a buck-toothed, squinty-eyed caricature donning a headband with the Chinese character for "loser" inscribed. Until yesterday, the company's website ran the following description for the costume (no joke): Hiiiiiiiyaaaaa! Become a master of martial arts over night, or… well… maybe not, but have fun wearing the Disguise Kung Fool costume!

Certainly, this type of overt racism, passed off half-heartingly as "humor," is familiar to many Asians. Six months ago, clothing manufacturer Abercrombie and Fitch tried to push their "Wong Brothers Laundry Service" onto young adults and teens, claiming the shirts were "cheeky, irreverent, funny." Unfortunately, they actively chose to overlook that such depictions are blatantly offensive to many who've had to endure them, and indeed, have been used consistently and historically to marginalize an entire community.

More insidious this time, however, is the current attempt to perpetuate these negative stereotypes amongst children. While many of Disguise's costumes offer model cartoon heroes, fictional characters and even infamous celebrities, no other costume singles out for ridicule a community like "Kung-Fool."

Please voice your opposition to the perpetuation of negative Asian stereotypes amongst children at petition.yellowworld.org

DISGUISE company:

*San Diego Main office:
11906 Tech Center Ct
Poway, CA 92064
Phone: 858-391-3600
Fax: 858-391-3601

*NY National Sales office:
200 Fifth Ave, suite 130
New York, NY 10010
Phone: 212-727-3267
Fax: 212-727-7273

* * *

On October 12, 2002, Yellowworld.org served Disguise, Inc. with a letter demanding that each 'Kung Fool' costume be recalled from all distributing retail stores and market venues by the close of business on Friday, October 18, 2002. Disguise, Inc. was further notified that their failure to comply would result in the immediate exercise of our legal rights and remedies.

The Associated Press published an article today concerning a statement given by Disguise, Inc. spokesperson Christopher Wahl. The statement consisted of an apology, a promise that the company cease further sale of the costume, and an agreement to provide all retailers and consumers full refunds for the costumes already purchased.

Yellowworld.org does not recognize the statement by Disguise, Inc. as compliance with our demand. Although the spokesperson personally notified our webmaster, Elbert Oh, by phone regarding the release of their statement, no written representation was ever sent to us. Further, our letter specifically called for Disguise, Inc. to take an affirmative action in recalling the costumes. Because Disguise, Inc. created and distributed this racist costume, it is their responsibility to take full initiative in correcting the damage they have caused.

In addition, Yellowworld.org has made a demand and is now reasserting said demand to all major retail stores carrying this costume to pull the costumes off their shelves. These retail stores are urged to return the racist costumes and to obtain the full refund promised by Disguise, Inc. The retail stores are now notified that their failure to do so will likewise result in the immediate exercise of our rights and remedies.

Legal Team, Yellowworld.org

* * *


Disguise, Inc. has complied with our formal demand by issuing an apology and request to all retail stores to pull the blatantly racist “Kung Fool” costume by close of business today, Friday October 18, 2002.
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 19, we need you to visit one of the following local retailers to confirm whether the costumes have been pulled.

Spencer Gift's

Party City


If you find the costumes at any of these retail stores, please take a picture of the costumes next to the store sign, or, in the alternative, write down the name and location of the store and notify Kasie Lee immediately at kasie@yellowworld.org

Please comply with all store rules and regulations.

Elbert Oh

* * *

Please check the Yellowworld.org site for the newspaper articles re: this matter.
